02161 - 231315


Dadasaheb Jotiram Godse Arts Commerce Science College, Vaduj
Tal - Khatav , Dist - Satara, Pin - 415506

Dadasaheb Jotiram Godse Arts, Commerce, Science College, Vaduj was established in 1995 with the wider mission of impartingquality education to the young population in the socially and economically weaker sections, especially, Our College was previenesly (Upto 17 August 20020) known as Arts And Commerce College, Vaduj.The College started functioning from 05 August 1995 from the parent institutions on other unit Chhatrapati Shivaji High School and Jr.College,Vaduj. Initiated with arts faculty, now the college is providing lessons in Commerce and Science Faculties also. Commerce department come into existence in 2009-10 and Science faculty, with four department viz Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology.

Inspired by the thought that education is the key to all-round progress of society, Arts and Commerce College has continually strived to offer a stimulating learning environment. Former students of the college, particularly girls, are now working at responsible positions in government and business. Boys and girls from the farming, labor and backward families across Khatav taluka (in the eastern part of Satara district) are pursuing their studies here while capably managing their traditional family activities. Arts and Commerce College is managed by Chhatrapati Shivaji Shikshan Mandal, Vaduj. Under the dynamic, efficient leadership of Hon. Dadasaheb Jyotiram Godse, the college is now proudly entering its thirteenth year of service. The College building and playground are conveniently located adjacent to the central bus terminus in Vaduj.



In order to maintain campus discipline and foster national values like equality and integrity among the students and also among the staff, the college has introduced unique dress code for all on the campus. This activity helps in eradication of class discrimination based on social status, money and religion.

Teacher Guardian Committee

In 2013, July, the college introduced teacher guardian committee which helps in bringing about excellence towards quality enhancement in higher education on one hand, and, on the other, minimizing the distance between students & teachers which is obviously unwanted in institutions of higher education in the present scenario. The number of students admitted are divided by the number of teachers and the group of about forty students is allotted to each teacher who sit together in circles on every Wednesday and discuss their academic as well as personal and domestic problems.

Birthday Celebration

On the campus, on same platform, we celebrate our students' birthdays as well as teachers' birthdays every day this activity creates affinity among the students towards college.

Open News Paper Library

Available news papers to the students at their discreet especially when they do not have scheduled lectures.

Scholar Point

Scholar points are five in number in the library where not only teachers but students also can go and study, read books, prepare notes, and draw points from encyclopedia and reference books without any kind of disturbance.



Incidental Death - Financial assistance to students and staff especially during unfortunate hours under STUDENT SAFETY INSURANCE SCHEME Shivaji University is available.( 1 lakh each) So far, beneficiaries are:

1. Manoj Jalindar Vibhute (Lecturer)
2. Sanjay Krushna Madane(Peon)
3. Kale (student)
4. Kalange Ketan Kisan(student)


Poor Student fund - This fund extends timely financial help to economically poor students.


Donations - Our faculty members extend their economic support towards needy social groups such as Ashram Shala.


Cattle Camps - Mr. Sabale B.T. our faculty member ran two Cattle Feeder Camps and supported the livestock of the permanently drought zone of Khatav and Maan Talukas.